Monday, January 4, 2010

Notre Dame Football

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas. My whole family meets up with each other and I get a lot of presents. it's also good that we miss a week of school.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


LinkedIn is a social networking site that differs from Facebook and MySpace. It’s specifically used for professionals and businesses. All this website is, is you create an online profile that describes your expertise, your past jobs, and your work experience. LinkedIn has the largest network for professionals; some people actually used this site as their resume. Once on LinkedIn, you can add friends called connections. LinkedIn was made in 2002, and since then thousands of people have joined this website. If you’re a job searcher, you have the ability to look for jobs recommended by your contact network. Also, if you’re looking to hire employees, you can look at their profiles and start a connection with them. You can use this website for many things, even forming a partnership for a new business. There are approximately 8.5 million experienced professionals from all around the world that use LinkedIn. Our economy today is at a low point and LinkedIn can potentially boost job employment. However, this website can be abused. People can make fake profiles where job employers can look at and consider hiring that person. LinkedIn isn’t used for you to make connections with people; it is used to help you to be more productive. This site (if used correctly) puts you on the right path to get a job and be successful. Many account users use LinkedIn for questions they are curious about. Sometimes, even job employers use LinkedIn looking for small tasks that you can get paid for. Your connections on your profile can also answer questions you post. It is almost like a forum when people ask for questions because within days, they can give you accurate information on what you’re looking for. In my opinion, LinkedIn is much more productive than Facebook and MySpace. It can really help out future goals of yours, and potentially get you a lot of money. This site is used for multiple things, but isn’t really used for entertainment or recreational purposes. You connect with many people so this website is considered a social networking website. Everyone looking for help, or looking for a job should use LinkedIn, it’s a very productive website that is growing everyday.


My grades last quarter suprised me, i did better than i expected. In some classes I got an A+, which i did not think i would get. Next quarter will probably get a little harder, but i think i will do just as well

Monday, November 23, 2009


Brandon Kenah

Facebook is a social networking system that ables you to connect with friends. Facebook is mostly used for entertainment purposes; such as meeting new online friends and joining groups. After adding friends, you can instantly see what they are doing after they “update their status” or “update their profile”. While in Facebook, you can join groups where you can meet new people and also catch up with old colleagues/co-workers. Many people constantly add pictures to their photo albums and other friends will instantly see your photos. If you own a blog, you have the ability to merge Facebook with your blog. Facebook is very simple; the search browser makes it very easy to find friends and various other tasks. Some people dislike Facebook because you cannot add music or videos to your profile. Those are the reasons some people like MySpace better; you have the ability to add multimedia such as music and video to your profile all for free. Some critics say that MySpace is much more confusing compared to Facebook, however if you are good with computers you are free to pretty much make your profile look however you want it to. This is all done in your MySpace editor by using JavaScript. There are websites to help enhance your profile, but it makes it more confusing. Although, it is very easy to keep in touch with people because there are instant messaging, forums, bulletins, and groups you can all use.
Both of these websites have a massive network because almost every teenager has either a Facebook or a MySpace; some people have both. In some cases Facebook is much easier to use when communicating with business or news because it gets information out quick. Mainly, these websites are used for social and recreational purposes. They are very useful and tons of people benefit from both sites.

My Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving, my mom's side of the family goes to my aunt's house. All of the men watch football and the women cook and serve the food. Thanksgiving is a lot of fun in my family, and i cant wait for thursday to come. My uncle makes his homeade soup every year and all of this has become a tradition throughout the years.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Google Docs

Instead of bring a storage device everywhere you go, you can just use Google Docs. It is a software used to attach documents from your computer to your Google account/email address. The spreadsheets and documents are saved online and you can access them from any computer just by going on the internet. It turns any offline article into an online version. Best of all, its free so anyone can use it. Its stress free compared to emailing all of your document attachments and is really easy to use. If you work in business, it can benefit you greatly. It is very simple to collaborate with co workers, and if you’re not a “computer genius”, there are no complex and confusing menus. Google Docs was very similar to Yahoo Briefcase, but that was shut down. Pretty much if you are good with Microsoft Excel, you will understand Google Docs very well and will use it to your benefit. After several drafts are made to your work, they are all saved to your account and can be worked on and fixed anytime. For Google Docs, you don’t even have to install any software, if your computer connects to the internet, that’s all you need. Even though there are a lot of pro’s for Google Docs, there are always con’s as well. When using the software for spreadsheets, the grids can come offline and hard to position. There are also not many settings to change formatting styles of documents. Sometimes the website can be a little slow, but it always gets the job done. This software is mostly used for business, but can also be used for categories such as: social, entertainment, news, and recreational. It can also be used as an email address, just to talk to your friends and colleagues. You can post links to videos and websites to other friends and do much more. Every one should make an account and use Google Docs; it helps anyone who uses it. I strongly advise anyone who looks to have a future in business to start using this soon because in my opinion, Google Docs will someday be used in our everyday lives, and is today. Overall, Google Docs is a great and helpful software and everyone should use it.